0 years
Of leading experience
PerfectView CRM customers
PerfectView CRM users
Positive customer reviews
Start building better relationships
€15 *
For the first 5 users
PerfectView invests in the first five users by offering a permanent discount
- All features
- Links
- Apps
- Free helpdesk
- Unlimited data storage
€30,- *
For 6 users and more
For the first five users of PerfectView, you pay a fixed price of €15 per user per month.
- All features
- Links
- Apps
- Free helpdesk
- Unlimited data storage
Free Trial
Unlimited number of users
Free 14-day trial period of all features of PerfectView, without any obligations.
Trust starts with transparency
Data storage in Europe
Company details and privacy-sensitive information about you and your customers is stored in the European cloud: a major advantage. Why? Because PerfectView has to comply with the European laws and regulations. In countries such as the United States, for example, they have very different views about privacy. This is something to consider. With PerfectView, the privacy of your data is optimally secured.

Always there to help and assist you
If you have any questions, we are here to help you. We have been doing this for over 30 years, for over 17,000 users. Experience and attention. That is what we stand for. Our helpdesk support has no restrictions and is English-speaking. The support team of PerfectView works from our headquarters in the Netherlands. If you contact us, you are calling PerfectView and not a switchboard.
Protection against cyber attacks
We have structured our entire company process around the security of our data. Measures have been taken to prevent data leaks. We also maintain procedures to take action in case of an emergency. Naturally, we have established policy documents, a privacy statement, and a data processing agreement. If a data leak nevertheless still occurs, we will take adequate action.

ISO Certification
ISO is the International Organisation for Standardisation. PerfectView meets its requirements for information security. We adjust our work processes and security measures to these standards. These measures are tested several times a year during internal and external audits. We received our ISO-27001 certificate in January 2017. Our certification applies to the development and delivery of our CRM system: PerfectView.